Wellness Journal

Gain deeper knowledge through insights and shared understanding on your health and how to live in brilliant wellness



Breast self-exam, or regularly examining your breasts on your own, can be an important way to find a breast cancer early, when it’s more likely to be treated successfully.
October 05, 2022
What is Sarah Graham's secret?

What is Sarah Graham's secret?

We love Sarah Graham. Besides making delicious, healthy and oh-so-beautiful food she also manages to balance that with being a busy mom to 3 beautiful little girls and wife to a charming husband.

So how does this internationally-renowned TV chef, food blogger and author still look so poised, healthy and in control?
September 27, 2022
Using Nutrition to Support our Children

Using Nutrition to Support our Children

We have all heard of burnout in adults, but what about burnout in our children? 

Have you noticed that your children are often tired and just don’t seem to have the age-appropriate energy levels, are they appearing negative and losing their confidence?

The demands placed on school aged children are huge. Necessarily so? That is open for debate. Nonetheless society has led us to believe that; the more we do, the better we will become. The question then arises; are we supporting our children appropriately to meet the high demands placed on their physical and emotional ability?

September 12, 2022
Protect your crowning glory

Protect your crowning glory

We can all suffer from those bad hair days but for some people it can be even worse. Hair loss and thinning is a becoming more common in women and men at a younger age. This can be caused by hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and stress.

To end the suffering let’s look at 3 factors that damage your hair and what to do about them.

August 31, 2022
When it comes to wrinkles, prevention is better than cure

When it comes to wrinkles, prevention is better than cure

As we age our skin can start to resemble a desert. Deserts lack moisture, are devoid of structure and are dull in colour. Are we resigned to the fact that dry, dull, and sagging skin is a foregone conclusion?
Do we have to just sit back and let it happen?
What can be done to rejuvenate our skin and bring back moisture, elasticity, and a healthy glow?

Let’s start by taking a look at the building blocks of our skin - Collagen proteins and Hyaluronic Acid - and figure out the what, how and when of skin maintenance and repair
July 20, 2022
How to strengthen brittle nails

Brittle nails? Help is at hand

We get it, your nails are always on display and they are the first ones to show signs of stress and ageing! No one likes to feel self-conscious about having constantly weak and brittle nails which break or snap off at the drop of a hat, right?

Help is at hand. A ground-breaking study* published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology (Hexel et al) set out to investigate whether daily oral supplementation with collagen peptides alleviates the symptoms of brittle nails and improves nail growth rate.

And the results were incredible.
July 18, 2022
Snap, crackle, pop! It's time to start listening to your joints

Snap, crackle, pop! It's time to start listening to your joints

Joint pain placing you on the back foot? Literally…

Your alarm clock goes off early on a winter’s morning and you immediately dread getting yourself out of bed and feeling that dreaded hip pain or that lower back creaking in protest.

Sound familiar? Find out why joint deterioration does not have to be inevitable and how you can improve and repair joints to you can keep having the active life you want.
June 27, 2022
Remove the labels from your eating

Remove the labels from your eating

The true benefit in eating well, and making informed choices about what to eat and what not to eat, lies in individualising it for you and not doing what has worked for other people.
June 20, 2022
Live in the moment and focus on your food

Live in the moment and focus on your food

Have you ever caught yourself mindlessly eating for no apparent reason? Feeling yourself escaping your day or your thoughts by using food? This is a common behaviour for many people. It can take catching yourself mindlessly eating and understanding the behaviour before you can start to apply the opposite – mindfulness.
May 25, 2022
How to create healthy habits... that actually stick

How to create healthy habits... that actually stick

Urgh! Why is it so difficult to stick with healthy habits?

We’ve all been there before. We start to become healthy. We do a few work-outs, buy and cook a few healthy meals, or get a few days of really good sleep.

May 03, 2022
Be Bright Luminate™ for your inner athlete

Be Bright Luminate™ for your inner athlete

Luminate™ contains all of the goodness of our Original Hydrolysed Collagen, giving your body the necessary protein and building blocks for bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, ligaments and gut health, together with the added benefits of Zinc, Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C! 
February 23, 2022
Original Collagen versus Luminate™

Original Collagen versus Luminate™

With the introduction of our new Be Bright Luminate™ to our range of Collagen many of you reading this will be thinking: ‘What is it?’ and ‘Do I need both?’

In this article, we aim to highlight the differences between our Original Collagen and our new Luminate™ as well as point out the benefits of each.

February 23, 2022