Wellness Journal

Gain deeper knowledge through insights and shared understanding on your health and how to live in brilliant wellness

Hidden benefits of Acai

Hidden benefits of Acai

We all feel it at some stage in the day or in the week… that feeling of being overwhelmed, fatigued, depleted and just altogether in need of ‘doing nothing’. But what if you had the energy to go about your usual routine with vigour and still have the energy and stamina to come back for more? Well that’s what all the fuss is about…
April 21, 2021
How to boost your daily energy

How to boost your daily energy

In order to boost our daily energy many of us believe in drinking copious amounts of coffee, doing more vigorous workouts more often or resorting to energy drinks which spike our energy levels before leaving us in a slump.

Our bodies are unfortunately placed under huge amounts of stress. With constant deadlines, energy slumps and health challenges for many in the past year, our bodies need the power of natural antioxidants to feel greater vitality and increased immunity! Where do we get these ‘wonder’ antioxidants from? Açaí Powder, of course.

April 10, 2021