Wellness Journal

Gain deeper knowledge through insights and shared understanding on your health and how to live in brilliant wellness

Protect your crowning glory

Protect your crowning glory

We can all suffer from those bad hair days but for some people it can be even worse. Hair loss and thinning is a becoming more common in women and men at a younger age. This can be caused by hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, and stress.

To end the suffering let’s look at 3 factors that damage your hair and what to do about them.

August 31, 2022
Be Bright Luminate™ for your inner athlete

Be Bright Luminate™ for your inner athlete

Luminate™ contains all of the goodness of our Original Hydrolysed Collagen, giving your body the necessary protein and building blocks for bones, skin, hair, muscles, tendons, ligaments and gut health, together with the added benefits of Zinc, Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C! 
February 23, 2022
Original Collagen versus Luminate™

Original Collagen versus Luminate™

With the introduction of our new Be Bright Luminate™ to our range of Collagen many of you reading this will be thinking: ‘What is it?’ and ‘Do I need both?’

In this article, we aim to highlight the differences between our Original Collagen and our new Luminate™ as well as point out the benefits of each.

February 23, 2022